
A turquoise colored gemstone which is a birthstone for the ones born in spring season, chrysocolla is a stone dedicated to communication as it is solely devoted to expressing one’s views, allowing empowerment and the art of teaching. It is a source of peace and is found in various colors apart from turquoise such as, green, blue and a beautiful mix of the two.
Its soothing color combination is known for eliminating negative energies and calming the inner restlessness.
Chrysocolla belongs to group of copper-bearing gems and is sourced mainly from Israel, the Congo,Chile, England Mexico, Russia and the USA.
The name is derived from greek words “chrysos” and ‘kolla’ which means ‘gold’ and ‘glue’
Chrysocolla is known for its positive influence on the throat chakra, when its predominately in blue color. It is believed to be stimulating and cleansing the throat chakra making the person better in communication and makes a person more confident. Along with that, it is believed to be an excellent healer of thyroid and other diseases related to throat. Since it’s a peaceful stone, it also relives those dealing with mental health problems.
The ones which are primarily green in color, are best used as healing stones for the heart chakra and helps proper flow of love around oneself, also making the person more expressive towards love.