Snowflake Obsidian

As the name suggests, it is a natural volcanic glass stone found generally in black with white spots on it resembling flakes of snow formed because of the mineral Cristobalite.
Mainly found in Mexico, but is present in some other parts of the world including Africa.This stone is believed to bring the balance between mind, body and soul. It also helps an individual to stay focused and calm during a chaotic situation which is why it is also a soothing stone. Known to remove negativity from the environment of the wearer it is a perfect stone for those seeking strength as well as calmness. It is also known for keeping Karmic powers intact. So, you do good and good things will happen to you naturally.
As a healing stone, it is believed to cure skin problems and provide a natural and healthy glow. Apart from this, it also keeps vascular and skeletal system functioning properly. Also, eases muscle aches and improves circulation.