
Moonstone is a stone full of mystery. Legends say that it is as old as the moon and therefore its origin is debatable. Moon is considered as a heavenly as well as a sacred body of the universe and the moonstone is closely associated with it. Its color is also in close resemblance with the color of the Moon, whitish, silvery, sometimes little foggy and/or with blueish shimmer. At times the shimmer isn't restricted to color blue, one can see reflection of more colors, which is when the stone is referred to as ‘Rainbow Moonstone’. The more valuable ones have more shimmer.
Moonstone being popular for jewelry amongst both men & women, is also considered a gemstone that induces love & passion making it an ideal gift for lovers.
This gemstone is highly valued as the one for ‘new beginnings’ and ‘good luck’. It has always been a part of talismans and it is believed to derive its energy from the Moon. Back in time Romans were convinced that this gemstone was formed out of moonlight. Moonstone is believed to be the provider of encouragement and calmness because of the Moon being connected to the earth in cyclic perfection. It is also believed to be positively affecting the crown chakra which is located on the top of our head. It helps to bring crown chakra in perfect balance meaning providing us mental stability and strength. It is popular among the travelers as a protection stone at night believed to keep supernatural forces away from them.
Its a fairly soft stone & can get scratches easily. Hence advisable to use only soft polishing cloth for cleaning.