
Who hasn't heard of pearl? It's one of the most popular gemstones for centuries. It is a beautiful gemstone and is the birthstone of all those born in the month of June. The origin of Pearl goes back to several centuries as it is naturally found inside mussels and oysters. A single pearl takes around 7 to 8 years to form completely. Pearls are found in various parts of the world especially where the water is salty.
Pearls are considered as auspicious as diamond and are often gifted on the wedding anniversaries. The most common color of pearls is white but it is even found in other beautiful shades like, pink, brown and even black.
Apart from it's beauty, it has so many qualities which makes people want it even more! Legends believed that pearls are auspicious for newlyweds and can bring prosperity in their married life. In ancient China, legends believed that pearls are God's tears and worshiped them as a sign of God's grace.
To learn more about different types and interesting facts about pearls, you can read our blogs on 'pearls' here :